STC - Data
- Type of Aircraft: C206 Mark II
- EASA: 10029676 (issued April 12, 2010)
- FAA: SA02846NY (issued Sept. 16, 2010)
- AFAC Mexico: STC No. IA-719/2020 (issued June 09, 2020)
- Applicable Aircraft: Cessna 206H, T206H
- Engines: Rolls-Royce 250-B17F/2 Series
- Propeller: MTV-5-1-D-C-F-R(A)/CFR210-56
- Advantages:
- Best vibration damping characteristics for almost
vibration free propeller operations.
- Bonded on nickel alloy leading edge for best erosion
protection of the blades
- No engine modifications
- Ground roll & takeoff distance over 50 ft obstacle
is reduced by approx. 90 m (295 ft)
- Climb performance slightly improved
- Very smooth cruising - no speed penalty
- Approx. 6 kg (13 lbs) less weight than the original
3-blade metal propeller
- Unlimited blade life
- More ground clearance for less FODs
- FOD repairable blades
- Significant inside and outside noise reductions
- Complies with strict German noise regulations 2010
information about the STC (.pdf 80k)