STC - Data
- Type of Aircraft: C208, C208B
- EASA: 10039667 R1 issued Dec 21, 2016
- Applicable Aircraft: Cessna 208, 208B
- Engines: Pratt & Whitney PT6A-114
- Propeller: MTV-27-1-E-C-F-R(P)/CFR245-55a
- Advantages:
- Best vibration damping characteristics
vibration free propeller operations.
- Bonded on nickel alloy leading edge for best erosion
protection of the blades
- Unlimited blade life
- Significant inside and outside noise reductions
- Increased ground clearance for less blade tip erosion
- FOD repairable blades
- All models comply with the strict German noise regulations 2010 –
"Landeplatz Lärmschutz Verordnung" for unrestricted airport
operations in Germany and other European Countries
- With this STC the Cessna 208B can be used especially
for parachute dropping operators again without
any limitations due to noise
information about the STC (.pdf 80k)