STC - Data
- Type of Aircraft: M20-R, -S Ovation
- EASA: 10042833 (issued Dec. 20, 2013)
- Applicable Aircraft: Mooney M20-R,-S Ovation
- Engines:TCM IO-550-()
- Propeller: MTV-14-D/188-30b
- Advantages:
- Best vibration damping characteristics for
almost vibration free propeller operations
- Bonded on stainless steel leading edge for best erosion
protection of the blades
- Shorter take-off distance by approx. 80 m / 260 ft
(SL, ISA conditions)
- Enhanced climb by approx. 5% to 8% (SL, ISA conditions)
- Cruise performance increased by approx. 3 to 5 kts
(MTOW, ISA conditions)
- Approx. 2 lbs less weight than the original 2-blade propellers
and approx. 25 lbs than the original 3-blade propellers
- Unlimited blade life
- FOD repairable blades
- All models comply with the strict German Noise Regulation
"Landeplatz Lärmschutz Verordnung" for unrestricted airport
operations in Germany and other European Countries.
information about the STC