STC - Data
- Type of Aircraft: PA-28-236 (DAKOTA)
- EASA: 10062339 (issued June 26, 2017)
- FAA: SA04463NY (issued Sept. 3, 2020)
- Applicable Aircraft: PA-28-236 (DAKOTA)
- Engines: Lycoming O-540-J3A5D
- Propeller: MTV-9-B/198-52
- Advantages:
- Best vibration damping characteristics for
almost vibration free propeller operations!
- Bonded on stainless steel leading edge for
best erosion protection of the blades!
- Enhanced climb performance by approx. 5 %
(MTOW, SL, ISA conditions)!
- Enhanced cruise performance by 2 to 3 kts
(MTOW, ISA conditions)!
- Unlimited blade life!
- FOD repairable blades!
- Significant inside and outside noise reductions!
- Fullfills the highest noise requirements for
unlimited flying!
information about the STC (.pdf 205k)