STC - Data
- Type of Aircraft: PC-6
- EASA: 10031167 (issued July 29, 2010)
- Applicable Aircraft: Pilatus PC-6/B1-H2, /B2-H2, /B2-H4
- Engines: P&WC PT6A-20, -20A, -20B, /C20, -27, -34
- Propeller: MTV-16-1-E-C-F-R(P)/CFR240-55( )
- Advantages:
- Best vibration damping characteristics
- Bonded on nickel alloy leading edge for best erosion
protection of the blades
- No engine modifications
- Ground roll distance reduced by approx. 30 m (100 ft)
for a/c without rpm reduction
- Climb performance slightly improved for a/c
without rpm reduction
- Very smooth cruising with 1800 rpm – no speed penalty
- Approx. 14 kg (31 lbs) less weight than the original
3-blade metal propeller
- More ground clearance for less FODs
- Significant inside and outside noise reductions
- PC-6/B2-H4 comply with the strict
German noise regulations 2010
– „Landeplatz Lärmschutz Verordnung“
- PC-6/B1-H2, /B2-H2 with propeller rpm reduction the strict
German noise regulations 2010–
„Landeplatz Lärmschutz Verordnung“
- Unlimited blade life
- FOD repairable blades
information about the STC (.pdf 75k)