MT-Propeller New Projects

New Projects

Piper Meridian PT6A-135A installation

Piper Meridian MTV-27

Having ideas how to make aircraft quieter and more efficient, MT-Propeller took the Piper Meridian as a new program, replacing the original PT6A-42A engine with a PT6A-135A engine.

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Worlds first 11 bladed prop takes first flight

Testairplane Cheyenne with 11-blade Prop
Testairplane Cheyenne with 11-blade Prop

MT-Propeller made another World’s First to explore the possibilities in propeller technology.
On a PA31T1 equipped with the P&W PT6A-135A turbines, the World’s first 11-bladed propeller took the sky with an impressive noise and sound signature.
The very promising results in static thrust, 15% increase over the standard certified 5-bladed propeller, and the jet-noise signature showed another time what could be possible in the propeller developments.

This propeller system combined with a low rpm power supply from a turbine or an electric engine opens new possibilities for performance, efficiency and noise.

Watch the testflight Video 1

Watch the testflight Video 2

Worlds first 9 bladed prop started the flight test program

Testairplane Cheyenne with 9-blade MTV-39

Worlds first 9 bladed prop started the flight test program on March 11th 2019 and initial results are very promising. Function, Handling and Operation on the aircraft is like those props have been in service already for years.

This new development for low noise, high performance future airplanes driven by electric powered engines, turbine engines or geared piston engines for propellers with low RPM.

Depending on propeller driven airplane designs, top speeds of up to 430 KTAS are realizable with such a installation, by reducing at the same time the fuel consumption to a turbo prop from a jet.

MT-Propeller proves with this milestone that the innovation in propeller driven airplanes is just at the beginning.

Flying a Jet comfort airplane powered with props combined with the lowest fuel consumption becomes a near future.

Whatch the testflight video
220 KTS with 1700RPM and max Torque fly by MTV-39